I once called 911 and the ambulance took me to the er. I knew that I was having a heart attack.
The doctor insisted that I was merely suffering from a bit of bursitis in my left shoulder.
I said, “No. The pain and pressure is in my chest. I can feel the bursitis, but I’m having a heart attack!” He said that the pain in my chest was just “sympathetic pain”.(?)
He ordered an IV and a shot of Dilaudid.
When a PA came to draw some blood, I *ordered* him to do the blood test for a heart attack!
Ten minutes later, the doctor came in and said, “You’re having a heart attack!”
They immediately had me transported to the regional trauma center…🙄.
Get a different doctor, sis…
That local er is known, by long time residents as, “the band-aid station.” If you need more than a band-aid, prepare to die…🤭 I now live about a mile from the regional trauma center…