I never had brow ridges or any of the other "male secondary sexual characteristics".
I transitioned at the age of 34/35, in 1993.
I've been living in NC since 1998. In the instances where I tell someone that I'm transgender, they are shocked and refuse to believe it.
There are many like me in the world... but we generally don't out ourselves, because of biased perspectives such as yours.
Color me, 'not impressed'.
PS; do I detect a note of jealousy in your essay? Anti LGBT people always have a deep inner shame and guilt about their own homoerotic dreams and fantasies.
They, like you sir, remain in seemingly oblivious denial.
Let go of your shame and guilt. Looking at history, honestly, it’s obvious that there have always been LGBT people in every era and every population.
With the advent of the Patriarchal Dominance Hierarchy and it’s attendant rape-culture, gender binary and cis-het sexuality dictates, approximately eight to twelve thousand years ago, the mechanisms and mutual support for the endemic denial in such a culture is so efficient that many of you actually still make complicated excuses to deny your own true nature.
Good luck with that…