I left the sexy appearance behind quite a while ago. These days, hot little cuties bend their heads down and look up at me through their fluttering lashes, devilish smiles on pretty faces.
I could provide them some orgasmic adventure, sure, I've certainly had enough experience, but my heart is just not in that old game anymore.
I'm imagining a comfortable woman, not much younger than I am.
You know, someone who has lived through the history that I have, has a similar length and depth of experience.
Someone whom I can have long and intimate conversations with, no need to teach a history lesson at every turn.
The little hotties are still tempting, but at 62, I need solid companionship. A single, or several rolls in the hay,(dating myself, see?), or a 'hookup", in the modern vernacular, is no longer worth the trouble.
Not that I'm terribly unhappy or anything, but just remember to enjoy your youth young lady.
You are a beautiful, intelligent girl, and I'm very proud of you.