I am a trans-woman who transitioned in 1993. I’ve followed this debate all along the years. My opinion has swung back and forth.
Now, having looked at the evidence, I can say that there’s obviously no problem. In fact, "radical feminists" have been promoting a problem looking for a place to happen.
At first I had to agree with them. I’ve suffered, in the last 28 years, all of the indignities that women do in our society. That’s made me a confirmed feminist myself. I also must admit to a bit of discomfort around a trans-woman who is obvious, who doesn’t "pass", but I can control myself and not let the fear and anger control me.
After all of these years it’s become obvious to me. Transwomen are absolutely no danger to anyone in a public bathroom. It just hasn’t happened. Besides, men assault and rape us all too often. It’s illegal as hell and,(#metoo).
I’ve debunked a couple of clumsy attempts to report "verified accounts of transwomen assaulting cis women". It just does not happen.
As far as sports goes, many schools began allowing participation in women’s sports after the Olympics cleared it in 2004. In all that time, there has, obviously, been no "takeover of women’s sports".
There’s no 'there' there.
Certain women’s groups push the story for their own reasons, most of which are likely subconscious.
Politicians sign on to the nonsense because fear and anger is the best and easiest way to manipulate people and get their votes.
There’s no 'there' there. It’s a big, fat, 'nothingburger’.
It’s 'much ado about nothing’.
I suggest that we start putting the same energy into real problems, like global warming, racism, the wealth gap, and the women’s rights that are more basic and that we still don’t have.
Thanks for your attention on the matter, but at this point, I think that it’s just 'beating a dead horse’.(which, in reality, would be absolutely deplorable)
Peace Love Kindness Respect the more you give the more you get 😍 start with yourself 😉 because you deserve it ❤️🙏🏼 (you really do. I promise.)