I agree, completely.
I drank for 45 years.
I, occasionally, 'flirted' with AA, for 43 years.
I finally came to terms with who I am on September 21st, 2018. Yes, I just got a one year medallion this past Saturday!
I messed up my life, horribly. I no longer have any money, no access to the practically, (from my previous point of view), unlimited funds, that were available in the past. I live in a government subsidized, one bedroom apartment, and scrape by on a small social security check.
I am the happiest, most peaceful, least stressed, that I have ever been, in my entire adult life.
I have no contact with anyone in my family. My own daughter won’t even speak to me.
I have a new family, the members of my local group. We love and support each other.
Three women have asked me to sponsor them, this week. Two of them tonight. I was truly sorry that I had to say no. I haven’t completed all of the steps…and my sponsor says, “not yet”.
Instead of my head swelling up with false pride, as would have happened in the past, the responsibility frightened me, but I want to help, to give…
Thank you for this essay. It’s good to hear that others are trudging the road to happy destiny!