7 min readSep 10, 2019


How to receive anal sex, in plain language.

Please note that I am an expert, with over three decades of experience in receiving anal penetration. This is not a joke. Also know that I can hold in the most urgent flatulence or diarrhea. The old story about your anal spincter getting “loose” is only true if you are simply lying there, non-participatory, having it*forced* into you… continue reading for the real facts, the way to do it right.

Pushing out, just as if you are pushing out poop, loosens the anal spincter.

Pulling in, as if you were holding in a fart, or diarrhea, tightens the anal spincter.

It may, at first, seem counterintuitive to push out in order to allow something in, but that’s how it works.

It helps to practice with a relatively slender dildo, several times, perhaps when you are bathing, over a period of about a week, until you have some confidence in your spincter control. When practicing, you can explore, even measure the distance to your inner anal spincter.

Note: when I originally wrote this, I was going by my, personal, experience. I’m 5’11" tall. The capacity of my anal cavity is, of course, greater than that of a petite woman,(or man). If you are not so tall, you may need to learn how to ease down on your man’s cock until it’s pressing against the internal sphincter…slowly apply gentle, but firm pressure, again, pushing out a little…if relaxed, gently pushing out, it will slip in. Your man jamming, forcing it through, may give you a hemorrhoid,(or worse, a tear),on your inner anal sphincter, as a client with Massive-Man-Meat(!), did to me,(hemorrhoid), in the 90s. It’s not a too serious condition, just a small amount of blood if constipated 😖.(note fini, carry on, lovers 😎).

The most important thing is to have a partner that you can trust, completely.

Of equal importance, is cleaning your anal cavity out first.

If your man’s penis is of average size, (5" to 7"), you may not need to clean more than just the anal cavity itself. This depends, of course, on your internal capacity.(see note above)!

(Google “anal spincter”. Look at the pictures. Note that there is an 'internal' anal spincter, separating the anal cavity from the colon.)

To clean your anal cavity, get a commercial, pre-packaged, enema, like Fleet, at the drug store.

Start the water running,in the sink, medium flow, warm, not hot. Have some KY handy. Use the lube generously, whenever you need to.

Sit on the toilet, naked, and insert the tip into your anal spincter and inside your anal cavity. Put it all the way in. Squeeze, hard, until every bit of the fluid is out of the bottle. There’s no need to hold it, as per the instructions. Just let it back out, after a few seconds.

Unscrew the cap and hold the bottle under the warm water to refill it. Replace the cap.

Repeat the flushing out procedure as many times as is necessary to ensure that your anal cavity is clean.

Use lots of KY. When in doubt, use more lube. There’s no such thing as too much lube.

Back in the day, the “red-hankie” crowd,(fist-fuckers),swore by Crisco, for it’s long-lasting properties. I don’t recommend it. Just keep the water based lube handy and reapply when necessary.

Note: I don’t recommend fisting. The one time that I allowed someone to try it on me, he soon was up to his knuckles, but it was obvious that my anal spincter was not going to expand enough to accommodate the whole thing, without forcing it. He was not a client, but a close, trusted, friend. In fact, he was a boyfriend of my roommate. When the guy was up to the knuckles, and I was about to tell him to stop, my roommate, jealous, walked over, spread out his fingers, and ran them back and forth over my nipples. A rather explosive orgasm ensued, every sphincter in my body convulsed, and the guy’s fingers shot out like a cork out of a champagne bottle!

Anyway, back to business…

If your man is long enough to hit the inner anal spincter, or if you simply want to remain clean for up to six or seven,(or more), hours, you’ll need to do what used to be called a “High-Colonic”, a complete flushing out of the entire colon. I did this three, four, or even five times per week, when I was a “pre-op-ts-call-girl”, in the 90s.

You are in no danger of depleting the good bacteria in your colon. The small intestine has many times more than enough bacteria to repopulate the colon, as soon as “things” move on through, as they naturally do.(a high colonic also leaves you totally and perfectly hydrated 😊).

If you, or your partner are not handy with plumbing equipment, you may wish to go to a plumber, or a plumbing supply store, a 'specialty' store, a friend who is 'handy’, or try to find some equipment online.

The best arrangement is a hose that will attach to the faucet in the bathroom sink. One that is attached to the shower-pipe,(the shower head is attached to it), will work just as well. Here’s the rig that I bought online.

Things will go much more smoothly if there is a valve in the hose, about two or three feet from the “wand”,(the thing that you’re going to stick up your bum). You can get the water running,(warm, NOT HOT), and turn on the valve when you’ve got the wand snugly touching your inner spincter.

You can, if you wish, make your own enema wand using an actual douche wand. Get the longest one. With a quarter-inch to five-sixteenths drill bit, drill a hole in the end of the wand. Be sure that it connects to the hole that’s already in there. Remember to de-burr the edges of the hole. Just lightly use a half-inch drill bit to make the edges of the hole that you just drilled smooth. You can also use a knife tip to smooth the edges. (Be absolutely positive that it is smooth)

Use lube. Use plenty.

Adjust the flow from the wand so that, when you hold it pointed straight up, the water only goes about two to three feet high. Any more pressure than that may cause damage to your colon. There’s no need to be frightened or overly concerned. The colon is not fragile. It is wrapped with muscles that move poop along. If you find that you need more pressure, increase the pressure in small increments.(personally, if I tried that test at the pressure I use, it would hit the ceiling, so it’s not so scary. I included the warning for liability purposes 😉).

Holding the end of the wand snugly against the inner anal spincter, turn on the water flow,hold it against the inner spincter firmly enough that the water goes into your colon.( You will know when it does). When the water starts to come back out, despite holding the wand firmly,(but not too hard), turn off the water flow, and pull the wand away from the inner anal spincter, remove the wand, and allow the contents to escape. Repeat the procedure until you can feel that you are filling your entire colon each time.

Repeat until you have gotten clear, clean water out twice. Flush the toilet after every evacuation so that you can monitor the clarity of the water coming out.

Remove the wand. To be sure that all of the water is out of the colon, place your fists on the right side of your belly and lean forward as far as you can, your fists being pushed into your belly by your legs,until more water comes out. Moving clockwise, repeat this manuver around the belly, ending just above, and slightly to the left,(your left), of the pubic area. It’s good to sit around for a while, wash the dishes, take out the garbage, etc, to see if any more “douche-water” is going to come out. It’s not good to have a dick thrusting in and out, then get a rush of potentially contaminated water come out…

Have your man lie on his back, penis erect, and, straddling him, using plenty of lube, ease your anus slowly down and around his cock. Remember, push out, to loosen your spincter. When you have your rear-end firmly down on his pelvis…. well…proceed!

Once you can confidently control your outer spincter, you can squeeze his cock. Push out, pull in. If you like, you can sit on him, and, with no visible movement, “milk” his cock!

Have fun kids. Be safe. I love you 😘.


PS: When you are sure that there’s no possibility of 💩 being in the way, a feeling of freedom is achieved. You can use your outer anal spincter freely, with confidence.

The muscle power of your outer anal spincter and, indeed, the necessary control of said body-part is something that you have had all of your life. You’ve been using it, every day, for your entire life, when you defecate, and when you are holding in flatulence or diarrhea. In fact, the “default” position of your outer anal spincter, when you are going about your day, completely unaware of it, is the “pulling in” condition. You have control of it, already, it only remains to take conscious control.

When you remove the anxieties from the equation, a new chapter in your sex life is pre-packaged, ready to go! Have fun, be careful! I still love you!

PPS: if, even with these instructions, you are still too frightened to receive anal sex, don’t do it! Don’t let anyone badger you into doing it. You might practice, regularly, for quite a while, before feeling confident in your abilities. Anal penetration is only one of many ways to enjoy sex. Only do what you are comfortable with!

😍😘😇🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼 😎

PPPS; a little light hearted mood music for your first trip up the poop-shute!





Bye y'all. it's been real. I have a new Chromebook, but I prefer to write these little "aside" pieces on my phone, curled up in my comfy chair. always love; w