Having been born in 1958, I have always tended to think about gender strictly in terms of the binary.
I’ve been a bit leery of crossdressers.
I’ve had a change of heart, learning about GNC people, online, and I thank you for explaining bi-gender to me. I like it, it helps me to understand more, and I even think it helps me to see the difference between cross-dresser and bi-gender!
Though “ancient” from your perspective,(I know, I was young, once 🙄), I refuse to be “set in my ways”, unbending, not willing to learn, and improve my understanding.
I absolutely love this essay! I applaud you! Thank you so much for your contribution to my education!(and, I suspect, many others). Please continue being you, in the way that feels “right”!
Peace Love Kindness Respect the more you give the more you get 😍 start with yourself 😉 because you deserve it 💖🙏💜🙏🏼🥳