Great history! I sent it to my nephew, Seth, in Newfoundland. He’s from here, NC, but married a young woman from Newfoundland. They live there now, but I don’t know exactly where…we only connect through FB messenger…
Oh, and a much smaller place that, in the 70s, the people were difficult,(often impossible), to understand, were the natives of Hyde county, NC. “High tide”, sounded like “hoy toyed”, and there were many other words and expressions that simply weren’t translatable, at least not word for word…
Some of the oldest people in Hyde county now, can remember how their parents and grandparents spoke, but real “hoydee toydee” is not spoken anymore.
Note; “hoydee toydee” is just what we run of the mill rednecks called it. I don’t know if they have a name for their dialect…it’s an isolated dialect of Old English that has, effectively, disappeared.