Good treatment of the subject, elbow.
I once read an essay on Medium wherein a man listed the "essential attributes" of masculinity.
Prominent on his list was "certainty".
As consistent certainty is an illusion, an 'act' without a solid basis in fact, the insecurities of 'masculine' presenting people are unavoidable.
Uncertainty is a bedrock feature of life. Consistently claiming/portraying certainty is a life lived constantly on the edge of failure.
It’s quite anxiety and insecurity inducing, and, in itself, a losing strategy.
Sidartha Gautama, the Buddha, teased this contradiction apart and spelled out, in detail, right-thinking, right-feeling, and right-action, 2500 years ago.
Becoming at ease, comfortable with, uncertainty, is a prerequisite to a calm, peaceful, mostly happy, life, with the possibility of Joy always present.
Our present day society is sick, toxic with fear, insecurity.
Thank you, Elbow 😉