Good for you! I’m so glad that you are still with us!
I think that most,(all?), of us have been through similar situations with men who supposedly love us.
I didn’t date, or have any kind of sex with anyone, not even myself, for twenty years, after being a “call girl”, in the 90s.
Then there was Ken.
We dated for a year. Then, I began to weary of his dominant manner. It was a turn-on, for sex, but…
I broke up with him by text, because I was afraid of what he might do.
The next Saturday, early in the morning, he barged in and raped me. I told him, again by text, “never darken my door again, or I’ll call the police!”
Two months later there was a respectful knock on the door. It was Ken. He looked so sad and downcast, a little frightened, even. He was not his usual confident self.
I, of course, in my infinite capacity for sympathy, and forgetfulness 🙄, let him in.
Following his lead, we, of course, went straight to the bedroom. As we got undressed, he took out of a pocket some crack and a pipe.😳
I was afraid to confront him. I just “serviced” him, and was relieved when he left.
Now, several months, maybe a year, later, I won’t open my door unless I know exactly who it is. The other week, I wouldn’t let the Domino’s guy in for over a half hour!
Boundaries…good stuff, when you can get it.
I’m doing some serious work on self-love, myself…now.
We deserve it!
Peace Love Kindness Respect the more you give the more you get 😍 (with boundaries!)