Give yourself some credit for persevering. There are strategies to overcome every kind of fear. They usually take a long time. There are many setbacks. The most important thing is to realize that setbacks are normal. We rest, cry, blow our noses, regroup, and try again. We get a little better each time. It may be very little, but every success, no matter how small, is a victory!
At first, apon getting sober, I got 'too big for my britches’.(also in reality, but that’s another story 🙄). I reduced my effexor dose from 225 to 75. After sitting in my apartment for a month, something, don’t remember what, made me realize what was happening. I increased it to 150. I promised myself that I would go, just around the corner, to an AA meeting, every day, whether I like it or not!
I have, for years, been trying to do just a little more. Never enough to re-traumatize myself, but *something*, every day, outside of my comfort zone, even if it’s only a slight departure. Every success, no matter how small, is a victory! Most importantly, every success builds confidence. Even infinitesimal increases in confidence are a major victory. Always forward. Never backwards. A little backwards? Cry, blow snot all over the place, sulk, scream!!! …. Try again…
Never give up, never ever. Refuse, at the very least, to ever go backwards.
I can tell, by your writing, that you are brilliant, wise, and vastly stronger than you think you are.
Slowly, but surely, I have complete confidence that you are going to make it, one step at a time, always going forward…
Peace Love Kindness Respect the more you give the more you get 😍
PS: it’s okay to not be okay. I love you, and believe in you! Consider yourself hugged!😇
PPS; feel free to call me anytime 😍😇