2 min readSep 28, 2020

Fear of Discovery or Denial as a Way Of Life

People’s outrage over queer/trans/non-binary/bisexual people has to do with the fact that,(per the Kinsey report and several other sex-researcher’s findings), the vast majority of people,(80% or more),are bisexual and/or gender fluid in thought and fantasy, if not in outward actions.

The big problem is the strictly enforced gender binary of the Patriarchal Dominance Hierarchy and it’s attendant rape-culture. Those people have an existential terror of other people finding out about their secret desires and fantasies. The Patriarchal Dominance Hierarchy’s social system we are immersed in enforces itself through fear and shame.

It’s not a matter of logic or any kind of critical reasoning. It’s a matter of primal fear.

The pseudo-intelectual arguments and references to the Bibble are feeble attempts to justify their unreasonable fears.

We are indoctrinated, "brainwashed", if you will, from birth. Our environment is completely constructed, down to the last detail, of the reinforcement of the Patriarchal Dominance Hierarchy and it’s attendant rape-culture... So you have billions of people who, when they’re not distracted by the demands of daily life, when their thoughts are redirected by any outside stimulus that reminds them of the "shameful secrets" that they usually have safely tucked away in the cellars of their minds, the intense fear of discovery elicits an involuntary fight-or-flight response...then we see rabid, over-the-top, homophobia and transphobia.

“Why do you have to shove it in our faces?”(we were comfortably in complete denial, and you just had to remind us!)

It’s all due to the "fear of discovery" of their own basic feelings and desires, which were perfectly normal and expected, thousands of years ago, before the Patriarchal Dominance Hierarchy’s takeover of Society...

Note; Judeo-christian religions were, and still are, the main indoctrination and enforcement arm of the Patriarchal Dominance Hierarchy and it’s attendant rape-culture...


PS; this phenomenon excludes the almost entirely separate case of cis-women who have endured abuse by men, and have a hysterical fear of them…ie; “TERFs”, “GCFs”, etc…that’s a related, but different, phenomenon, also an irrational, primal sort of fear.

This sort of fear is not foreign to me. As a trans-woman who has been “passing”, (regarded by others as a cis-woman), for nearly 30 years, I’ve had all of the #metoo experiences, including rape…

Logic goes out the door and “fight-or-flight” response takes over. In a more rational moment, the clumsy attempts at justification appear, but logic has nothing to do with it, in reality…😢 Phobia= irrational fear. You can’t argue, or logically explain away a phobia. Logic is not involved. Continued exposure to the feared things will, eventually, get them used to it, but there will be the occasional violent reaction…that’s unavoidable, sadly enough…



Written by WeeziSbaby

Bye y'all. it's been real. I have a new Chromebook, but I prefer to write these little "aside" pieces on my phone, curled up in my comfy chair. always love; w

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