Excellent! Thank you Riley.
I transitioned in 1993. For various reasons, I never got breast implants or bottom surgery.
When I had the money the time wasn’t right, when the time was right…
Ultimately, I’m glad that I didn’t get implants, but I’d never disparage anyone who has them. If events had lined up properly I’d have them now. I’m a full B-cup and, after all these years, satisfied with my chest.
I’ve never had any problem attracting sexual partners, men or women, so…
I guess I never got “on the surgery-train" because I haven’t needed any to “pass".
I have thought, though, that if I ever do get bottom surgery, I won’t settle for anything other than a peritoneal pull-through vaginoplasty…
Things seem to have worked out okay for me so far…
Thanks again ❣️