Excellent. More people should learn this.
I’ve been a cigarette smoker since I was a kid.
In the Navy, when I went to a school that required much longer runs than the standard pft, I learned to breathe very, belly and rib-stretchingly deeply and, most importantly, to completely, totally empty my lungs, collapsing my torso in an exagerated manner. The total emptying of the lungs is a sure way to eliminate side-cramps, which are caused by trapped air. When running mile after mile, this technique ensures ample oxygen and eleminates cramps, completely. (And no, I was not a SEAL. I’m not a violent person, never have been.)
Many years later, to this day, in fact, when I feel an anxiety attack building, I close my eyes and take four or five one minute breaths, repeating my mantra, “Peace Love Kindness Respect”. When I have completed it I am “dead-calm”, and can go to sleep, if I so choose.
Thank you for spreading the word!