Emily, I gave you fifty claps for your courage and strength in escaping the Jehovah’s Witlesses.
My ex-wife and her “new” husband of twenty years, are in the cult. Our daughter came to live with me in NC,(they are still in San Diego), when she was 14.
She went back to them when she was 26. They have a great deal more money than I do, and I think that she manipulates them quite a bit.
She cuts hair in a chain place, and they pay her rent, utilities, gave her a car and pay for insurance, etc.
She has no contact with me, but I get to see an occasional pic of her in Instagram. Formerly very active and fit, she is morbidly obese now.
I worry about her, a lot.
Please don’t stop writing, but I suggest you take some time to read all of the classics and then start reading the works of award winners in literature. I mean hundreds of books…in at least a half dozen genres…it will be time very well spent. I promise.
Also take, or audit, some English composition courses at your local community college, or online.
Good luck honey 😘.
Peace Love Kindness Respect the more you give the more you get 😍 start with yourself 😉 because you deserve it!