I'm glad you finally found yourself.
It's taken me until my sixties.
I don't regret transitioning,(MtoF), in 1993, at the age of 34. It's simply what happened.
I never liked being with men, but I thought it was what I was 'supposed' to do...
I don't try to be femme anymore, nor do I try to be overly butch.
It's a great relief to just be myself, now that I know who I am.
I won't make any pronouncements or judgements on other trans people. My story is just that, *my* story, not anyone else's.
By the natural more feminine thought and feelings that I *seem* to have been born with, and the physical changes in 1993/4, that makes me a moderately butch lesbian...
That's fine. I've always loved women.
Men, not so much;)
Having been born in 1958, I wasn't exposed to anything in the media or an
-ywhere else in relation to being transgender.
What, exactly, made me trans? I have a good idea, but at this point it's irrelevant.
I am who I am right now, in the here and now. The only thing that is relevant is, "What do I do*now* to maximize my happiness and minimize my suffering, and very importantly those around me...?
Right now I'm congratulating a young person who has figured this out much more quickly than I did.
Once again, *brava*!
PS: A therapist once asked me, “Louise, do you think you were born this way or did your childhood environment make you this way?(I think you were born this way)”
Despite her providing me with the answer that leaves everyone blameless, I replied, “Clete, I’ve agonized over that question for decades. I’ve recently come to the conclusion that it’s completely irrelevant. There’s no time machine that I’m aware of, and even if there was, what, exactly, would you change, and how? The only relevant question is, 'what do I do now, in the here and now, which is the only time I, or anyone else, have to actually do anything? The why of it may be useful to a therapist, but it’s completely irrelevant to me.”
By the time I was finished her mouth was slightly open. She closed it and just looked at me.
I said, “Well, the hour’s about up. See you next time? Be safe my friend.”
It’s not worth destroying myself over.
Again, Brava!😁🥰🥳🌻