Being a transgender woman, born in 1958, I have experienced rejection after rejection throughout my life. At 60, I still do, from time to time.
So much rejection, all of my life, led to my being judged, Totally and permanently disabled, unemployable, by the Social Security Administration, over twenty years ago. This was due to Major Depressive Disorder and Major Anxiety Disorder.
Gender Disphoria, it seems obvious, is a direct result of rejection.
Your essay puts a fine point on what, for me, was already obvious. When I have spoken to therapists and my few good friends, it’s all about the rejection. We all sympathize with the feelings of people we care about, when they experience rejection, or recount past experiences of rejection. The only effective treatment for their despair is acceptance, ie; Love.
When a friend, or family member experiences rejection, we rush to reassure them that we accept and love them.
Cults, and twelve step recovery programs work on this principle.
Cults, such as Jehovah’s Witless, Mormon church, Scientology, etc, use rejection as a tool to “keep people in line”. It’s a very effective tool. 😢