Been there, done that.
Ken even tricked me to get into my apartment, early one Saturday morning, after I had told him a week before to never come back.
I don’t know if he thought of it as rape, but that’s what it was. He wouldn’t stop, no matter after telling him,”No! Stop it! I don’t want to!”, several times, I decided to just go along with it because his biceps are as big as my glutes, and that was what was happening…he was obviously going to do what he wanted, never mind my protestations…
Then…two weeks later…he was knocking on my door again. I opened the door to give him a piece of my mind…. and he looked sooo defeated, so timid and pitiful…
When his ruse worked and he was inside, his demeanor changed, turned 180 degrees. Like switching on a light, the real Ken was back. He had been in there all along…
I grew up with an older sister who was narcissistic, at least, possibly sociopathic. I thought that I was immune to narcissists…
I’m working through it, still. It was two years, or more, ago…added to the abuse at the hands of my sister, then a wife of ten years.
I’m doing guided meditations. I have a new friend who is Ani-*******….a Tibetan Buddhist “Nun”.
I’m 62. It’s never too late to recover.
Thank you Carol ❤️🙏🏼
PS: then, at a women’s twelve step group I’m a member of, the casual, disguised poorly as sympathy, victim-blaming, internalized misogyny… SMH 😪