As a “pre-op-ts” call girl in the 90s, I had no alternative. Anal penetration and nipple-gasms are/were standard fare, for me. Men are easy. I’ve got that routine down pat. I could do it in my sleep.
I have three very attractive women who have been trying to hook up with me lately.
I am reluctant. I’m afraid. My hands are literally shaking right now, just “talking” about it.
The last time that I made love with a woman was, I think, 28 years ago. I had a male, barefoot water-skier’s body then. That was with my wife of ten years.
I’ve always been great “in bed”. First with women, then with men.
I can, as I mentioned earlier, just “have sex” with any man. It’s as easy and natural as it gets. I’ve never had “just sex”, with a woman,except for as a call girl, where a husband/boyfriend supplied the hard cock, and the wife/girlfriend and I were “co-conspirators”, if you will…
These women, lately, keep maneuvering to be the one to drive me home from AA meetings,(it’s just around the corner 🙄), coyly saying things, out of the blue,like, “You know, I’ve never “kissed a girl” before”.(head down a little, eyes shyly up at me, with a little smile).
It’s driving me nuts. It’s fucking driving me nuts. Looks like some plain truth-talking and “diving in, head-first” is in order here…(hope I don’t give myself a heart attack)
Wish me luck?
PS: (ho hum), if anyone is interested in the mechanics of, “How to receive anal sex, in plain language”, go to my profile and scroll down to the essay…I need some hot cocoa and a warm blanket….wheeew😅. Oh yeah, thanks ADJ…interesting…