3 min readJan 8, 2022


As a 63 year old Buddhist trans-woman, who transitioned in 1993, I’ve watched the GCFs and trans supporters push each other’s insecurity-buttons for years now.
The childish acting out of all of them is an embarrassment.
I’m very sorry that so many trans-people feel constantly under unfair scrutiny, reacting to the tweaking of the resulting insecurity with a fight-or-flight reaction.
I’m very sorry for the GCF’s underlying insecurities from previous trauma in their lives, that create a fight-or-flight reaction to social phenomena that they find disturbing, frightening.
In short, it’s all about insecurity.
Through getting sober in a well known twelve step recovery group, and adopting Buddhism as my spiritual practice, I’ve learned, grown, to be sure of my goodness and absolute right to be who I am.
Admittedly, I’ve had it very easy, compared to many trans-people, transwomen in particular.
I was a pretty boy. I’ve always been tall, thin, caucasian, and had an unusually low testosterone level before I even began hormone therapy. My body soaked up estrogens like a sponge and, within a year, I was passing as a very attractive woman.
I needed no surgery or fillers for my face or chest.
I don’t say that in too much of a bragging way, but mainly to acknowledge that most transwomen have a much harder path to travel.
As far as the argument over sports, I’m more of the 'wait and see' type.
There have been a few isolated instances of transwomen having an obvious advantage, but on the whole, I still don’t see anything remotely approaching the much feared, "takeover of women’s sports." It’s rather obviously just not happening.
When it comes to 'lived experience’, I’ve been living in the world, totally as an attractive woman for nearly thirty years now.
I’ve experienced everything from mansplaining to sexual harassment, assault, and rape.
I’ve been married to a woman. I’ve been married to a man.
At this stage of my life I have a number of very close friends, all cis-women. They all know that I’m trans, at least I think they all do. The subject never comes up.
When I’ve told a new friend that I’m transgender they have been shocked. I have been shocked... that they were shocked! Lol.
Ain’t life grand? It’s a wonderful time to be alive, caring for the people around me and them caring for me.
I can’t discuss the subject without feeling a deep sadness for all of the people, on all sides of the issue, projecting their pain onto each other. Must be a tough way to live.
I thank you for your well thought out essay. You’ve shown remarkable insight and compassionate understanding.
Peaceful, gentle, kindness and compassionate understanding is the cure for all that ails us, we precious and wonderful human beings.
always Love; --weezi--💜🌈🙏🏼🌻

PS; was scrolling back up and saw the criminal mugshots. It reminded me of the dozens of essays that I’ve seen over the years about “trans-woman attacks natal woman in the ladies room!”, and similar things posted for the shock value.

I’m retired and have nothing but time, so I vetted each and every one.

Most didn’t mention any sources, and a Google search didn’t turn up anything resembling the story they told.

One was true. At least it’s basic facts were verifiable. An insane man who claimed to be transgender was the culprit.

One, on Medium, made a claim of a trans-woman “attacking” a cis-woman in a bathroom, and had a source listed.

I traced it back to the source and found it in an obscure local newspaper in Italy.

I had to translate it from Italian.

A trans-woman was in the toilet stall and the cis-woman in question was was screaming at her to hurry up, banging on the door, making a huge scene. She had no problem with the other woman being trans. She just wanted her to hurry.

When the trans-woman came out of the stall the cis woman was screaming in her face.(Italians)

The trans-woman gave the screamer a light slap on the face.

The screaming woman hardly noticed and simply went into the stall and peed, as the trans-woman washed her hands and went on about her business.

Turns out that they were well known to each other, living and working close by, in the same neighborhood.

Well, there I went again!

Kinda long, for a response..

BTW, Laurel Hubbard didn’t even get to the podium…she washed out pretty early in the competition.

It’s all “much ado over nothing”. That seems to be the 'norm' these days, on almost any subject you care to name…





Written by WeeziSbaby

Bye y'all. it's been real. I have a new Chromebook, but I prefer to write these little "aside" pieces on my phone, curled up in my comfy chair. always love; w

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