3 min readMar 15, 2020

Are you a drone of the patriarchy? or (are you a sheeple?)

<subject:Fwd:> Fwd:I’m grateful to Goddess for allowing me to see, and refuse to participate in, the Patriarchal Dominance Hierarchy, and it’s rape culture mentality.

I forwarded that gratitude text to a dozen or two women in our local AA group. I was, almost immediately, deluged in borderline-hysteria, by text. Some blocked my number, others attacked me on Facebook and through Messenger.

I was, at first, shocked, then bemused as it dawned on me that they had no idea what I was talking about, at least not consciously. They reacted as if I had attacked them, in some way.

Seems most women are so “beaten down” by the bullying of the forces, the institutionalized “norms,” of the Patriarchal Dominance Hierarchy that they are accustomed to, groomed for, that they call it a success to simply survive and do “well”, within it’s oppressive limitations.

When someone like me says anything that calls attention to it, they feel that the stunted, tiny, bubble of awareness that they exist in is threatened. Like any living creature when their “existence” is threatened, they immediately recoil, then lash out at the “threat”, especially if they don’t fully understand it. A simple lack of understanding makes it a threat, in their limited sphere of understanding.

After posting a copy of the text on my Facebook page, and commenting on the response, I received more fearful, willfully ignorant feedback.

I did, however, receive a comment that was from a knowledgeable person, and there may be some thoughtful reactions when next I look. One can only hope…

Following the path of least resistance, groomed, from childhood, and continuously throughout life, always nudged,(forcefully pushed, if necessary), to comply with the accepted, “conventional”, life-paths, most people are sheeple, completely unaware of how they are constantly manipulated.

Oh, by the way, men who are not at or near the top of the “pecking order”, (“pecker order”?), are subject to almost the same pressures. The only difference is that, with enough bravado and lack of empathy, a man has a much better chance of rising closer to the “top”.

The compulsive elements are woven into every imaginable facet of life. The traditional religions are the main forces of the patriarchy, having enforced patriarchal rules for several thousand years. These “norms”, these unspoken rules, are so endemic to human society that religious leaders often call their congregations their “flock”, referring to them, with a straight face, as sheep!

I know the standard rationale, “It’s just the way the world is. To have any success in your life, you simply have to, to some degree, play along”.

Obviously, I myself have “played along” for the first forty years of my life. I worked, for a “normal” paycheck until I was 35. After that, I took advantage of the dominance of men with money, and their perceived entitlement to sex from women. It is, indeed, “the way of the world”.

Now, with a couple of “checks” direct-deposited into my account every month, I have the luxury of sitting here, in my comfy chair, eating chocolate ice cream, and leisurely writing about these things.

No one has to read it. I don’t even try to make any money on Medium. It simply gives me pleasure to record my thoughts. If one person gains some insight, I’m a success!

Just, please, remember; Peace Love Kindness Respect the more you give the more you get 😍 start with yourself 😉 because you deserve it ❤️🙏🏼

Love- Louise 🥰

PS: and please do try not to react with fear to ideas that you haven’t fully grasped. Save your ire for something truly important, you know, like your favorite celebrity being called a name by some other celebrity…


Written by WeeziSbaby

Bye y'all. it's been real. I have a new Chromebook, but I prefer to write these little "aside" pieces on my phone, curled up in my comfy chair. always love; w

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