Apon seeing the news of Bryant’s death the first thing that came to mind was the rape case. I am very sorry to hear that his innocent daughter also died…
People can change. They have to recognize and come to honest terms with the problem, first.
They have to be willing, determined, indeed, enthusiastic, about changing themselves for the better. Any less, and they are dooming themselves to have, to create, problems and a wake of destruction in their lives.
The easy way out is to blame others for our actions, to compare ourselves to others, feeling better about ourselves by feeling superior to them. Excuses for bad behavior.
Insecure people tend to use this, “easy way out”, as their only coping skill, leaving themselves feeling blameless and superior. Most of us are taught this variety of coping mechanism in our youth, by adults, well meaning, who simply want us to feel better, by the quickest method. It is done in love, but is, ultimately, destructive.
Well, there are an awful lot of psychological factors to unravel in this matter. I should stop, before I’ve written an entire essay, in a response.🤭
Excellent essay, Shannon! Thank you 😊
Peace Love Kindness Respect the more you give the more you get 😍