Member-only story
A very lengthy introduction.
(I was sharing a video,(FB), about confirmation bias in the sciences and still on my mind was an interaction with a woman who had a serious hatred of men boiling just under the skin. She was of the opinion that getting rid of guns wouldn’t solve gun violence, we needed to get rid of men altogether)! “Call it what it is! Male Violence!!!😤”)
Very interesting. Of course you know I’m going to apply the preconception bias to LGBT people, and the way we are seen by so many "breeders"😉.
Those biases also apply to people within the LGBT grouping casting aspersions on people who are represented by their own letter,(to exclude them and feel superior), and especially on people represented by other letters,(to deligitimise them and feel superior).
Depending on the demonization of others to constantly boost our own self-esteem, is a survival strategy learned as a result of previous trauma. It is an extremely self-destructive strategy. When we have the deeply ingrained habit of finding fault in others to maintain a sense of superiority, we are living in a constant low-level state of "fight-or-flight" reaction. Our adrenaline and cortisol levels are always too high, we are irritable and quick to anger, usually much more strongly than the situation calls for.
It’s a recipe for a miserable life and an early death.
My "prescription"? Live and let live. Stop seeking to find fault in others. Stop applying my own fears to my…