2 min readSep 29, 2019


A therapist once asked me, “Louise, do you think that you were born this way, or was it being raised with no father, just a mother and three sisters? I think that you were born this way.”

My response? “Irrelevant. I am who I am, regardless of the cause, or causes. The only question to be asked is, 'what do I do about it?’ “

“Not wanting to be disliked, disapproved of, has kept me drunk and miserable my entire teenage and adult life, up to this point.”

I have no family, or old friends, that wish to have any contact with me.

My new friends, mostly in the recovery community, love me, as I love them.

I’ve “passed” for 26 years, but I felt it necessary to be honest, up front, about who I am, from the beginning. There was some resistance, at first, but after a couple of years, we are family, and my sisters in sobriety, are my best friends, as I am theirs.

In the past two and a half decades, I’ve experienced everything that any other woman does, with the exception of childbirth, and can, in all good conscience be nothing other than a feminist.

Though I’m primarily attracted to men, some of my best friends are lesbians.

I can’t speak for other trans-people, only myself.

I support all feminist causes, with the exception of exclusionary policies. Having experienced the patriarchal-rape-culture myself, I think, honestly, that if I were a cis woman, I might lean towards exclusion, but I hope not.

(okay, I read over this response, and not wanting to be offensive or disliked, didn’t say this; I, too, find most transwomen to be creepy, in fact, if they are really manish looking, I can’t help but recoil, in horror. That won’t go over well with that particular “community”, but it’s the unvarnished truth.)

Am I a 'rare exception’? I don’t know. I don’t know any other transwomen.

I support you in whatever you do toward equality.

Thank you for being you!





Written by WeeziSbaby

Bye y'all. it's been real. I have a new Chromebook, but I prefer to write these little "aside" pieces on my phone, curled up in my comfy chair. always love; w

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