A study in courage. Please don’t be offended. I know that we all hear that line from the few cis people who support us, but I have personal experience with it, so it’s a genuine statement.
I transitioned in 1993, in San Diego, and moved back to North Carolina in 1998.
I was lucky enough to be 100% “passing” by 1995. This pic is 1995, 37 y/o;
My mother never stopped loving me. She was only concerned that someone might hurt me. She passed away in 2015, of Alzheimer’s.
I lost all of the rest of my family. I lost all of my friends.
I’m making new friends now, almost every day. There was a bit of a setback a few years ago, when I decided to come out in support of my trans sisters and brothers everywhere.
That was hard, losing people all over again. I comforted myself with the knowledge that it only separated the 'wheat from the chaff’. My real friends were shocked, but stuck by me.
I recently read a book that solidified my self-respect and my determination to live the life I deserve. It’s entitled, Untamed, by Glennon Doyle.
My favorite, 'hard, but fair’, quote from it is, “I’m willing to lose as many people as it takes, in order that I never again lose myself.”
Set boundaries, don’t compromise your dignity.
Be kind. Be compassionate. Be unwilling to compromise your self-esteem.
Be classy, not loud or crude or crass.
Hold your head up!
Peace Love Kindness Respect the more you give the more you get 😍 start with yourself 😉 because you deserve it ❤️🙏🏼
Please don’t be offended if you don’t need these, but;
“Male to female voice change.” by WeeziSbaby https://link.medium.com/24sKkXx2o7
“Is my ‘trans-ness’ a delusion?” by WeeziSbaby https://link.medium.com/d61z0SdAXab
“Is everyone pan-sexual?” by WeeziSbaby https://link.medium.com/uYZqkdyviab
“Fear of Discovery or Denial as a Way Of Life” by WeeziSbaby https://link.medium.com/Ruizi1n0bab
“Reapprehended thoughts on the bathroom ‘debate’.🤔” by WeeziSbaby https://link.medium.com/rqq1ZcYhl7
And really, really, please, don’t be offended at this one 😉;
“How to receive anal sex, in plain language.” by WeeziSbaby https://link.medium.com/q84aIa6jl7
Looks like you are really on your way. Congratulations 🎉💖🙏
PS: me now, 62 y/o;