2 min readNov 24, 2020

A note to my FB friends…

I was just thinking...I read...a lot. Having read the stories that people tell about trans-people, I can imagine the ideas the people around me, IRL, have about me, especially the people in 12-step recovery.
In the last few years, being involved in the recovery community, I’ve been the target of two predatory men, both of whom 'got me’, and one of whom returned and raped me, a week after I told him to never come back.
I’ve had three women try to take me hostage, buying me something and/or taking me out to eat, then taking me to their home. I suspect that they were, to some degree, also buying into the "sexually agressive"…


Bye y'all. it's been real. I have a new Chromebook, but I prefer to write these little "aside" pieces on my phone, curled up in my comfy chair. always love; w